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FIDM Fashion Design student Cole Moscaret stands outside in front of a wall with a sculpture of a giant open-mouthed head

Cole Moscaret's DEBUT Collection is Inspired by 1940s Menswear

Born and raised in San Mateo, California, Cole Moscaret attended Saint Francis High School then transferred to Junipero Serra High School. After spending three years at the University of Oregon studying Business Management, he realized he hadn't yet found his calling, so he made the switch to FIDM and never looked back. Cole was accepted into the prestigious Advanced Fashion Design program at FIDM and will be showing an inspired collection at FIDM’s Annual DEBUT Runway Show event, which will live-stream on Thursday, August 18, 2022 at 6:00 PM PDT. With a love for historical films and 1940s menswear, Cole is designing a collection inspired by the uniforms of the World War II Allied powers. We chatted with the designer to learn more about his unique creative vision and journey.

Tell us about your DEBUT collection: I have always been very fascinated with history and how we as humans have evolved over time. This history side of me also correlates to my love for films, specifically historically accurate ones. It’s the idea of being able to be lost in a film so deeply that you feel as if you become one with the timeline. When I was younger my grandfather would tell me stories of his time during the Vietnam war; he was a photographer and had captured some very interesting images that always sparked my attention. My collection is based around WW2 and the different uniforms that were worn by the troops. The mindset I used in designing the collection was, “How would I redesign the uniforms for the allied troops” but with a slight contemporary spin on it. How could I show a stamped time and date of WW2 but also make it current and desirable to customers. During the war many famous designers took part in the creation of the different uniforms and the specific purposes that they were intended for. The idea of functional fashion is part of my core design process. To create is amazing but to create something that has longevity is even more powerful. What I mean by that is we all know that the fashion industry in one of the top polluters to our planet, so the ability to create a garment that can serve a plethora of capabilities as well as last a long time holds more power to the buyer and designer.

close up of Cole Moscaret's hands sewing on a sewing machine
What silhouettes and fabrics can we expect to see? In my collection you will see a masculine silhouette as well as slightly oversized jackets and well-fitted pants. I plan on using top-of-the-line fabrics that are built to battle the elements of mother nature while obtaining a fashionable sense to them.

Tell us your path to FIDM: I was born and raised in San Mateo, California my whole life and was constantly active in many sports. I was the type of kid who always wanted to try new things and always had to be active; it probably drove my parents crazy. When I graduated from high school, I followed the path that was comfortable and moved on to attend the University of Oregon; in doing so I planned on studying Business Management. I fell in love with the school and everything U of O had to offer but I still felt like I was yearning for something else to accomplish with my life. I did not know what it was I desired but time has an interesting way of letting you know when it's time to make your next move. It was my junior year of college, and all was going well; I finally felt like I was making progress with my schooling and social life, but I was sadly struck with the news that my very good friend had taken his life. In that moment of hearing the news I had a central shift in my life about what I was doing. I concluded that I no longer wanted to just go through the motions of doing something I truly did not have a burning passion for just to receive a diploma and regret it in years to come, so I left in pursuit of what I was passionate about—fashion. I knew it was a road less traveled by but that did not scare me. I was searching for the career path that seamlessly blended my passion with my job so I would never have to “work” a day in my life. And in doing so, that is what led me to FIDM. I have never looked back, mostly because I have learned what I do not enjoy in this life to show me what it is that I truly desire out of life.
What is your point of view as a designer? Keep a youthful mindset when creating and never worry about what another person is designing. It's easy to copy another’s design but never satisfying. Don’t stress and just have fun with it.
What inspires you as a creative and as a fashion designer? It’s the fact that I get to make wearable art. I am a huge fan of 1920s and '40s menswear; it was so classy and timeless. I am also intrigued by new technology that is ever evolving as time progresses and finding way to integrate it into my work.
What is a lesson you've learned as you've been working on your collection? Learn how to make peace with stress. What I mean by this is that when making a collection people will have their expectations for what they want to see and it's how you deal with that stress of perfection. Not only that but there are heavy timelines and by teaching yourself to keep a tight schedule, your stress will dissipate.

How is FIDM helping you get closer to your career goals? Being a part of the DEBUT program has opened many doors for me. From my amazing teachers Angela Fuentes and Tomy Huang, to Nick Verreos and David Paul, I have endless opportunities. The support I have behind me is so amazing and wouldn’t change it for anything. It's all about hard work and being true to yourself.
Any advice for someone considering applying to be a DEBUT student? Accept the fact that you will be grinding hard for three quarters straight but remember to have fun with the process because it will be gone faster than you know it. It’s an honor to a part of this program so cherish it.

Follow Cole Moscaret on Instagram @colemoscaret.

Categories:  Fashion Design Student Transfer Student